Now Scheduling for 3D Mammography

SRC has installed the first 3D mammography system to serve the breast imaging needs of women in Salem and the surrounding communities.

The benefits of 3D mammography include:

  • Detection of breast cancers 15 months earlier than conventional 2D mammography
  • Callback exams to obtain additional views are reduced by 40%
  • Identifies 41% more invasive cancers than conventional mammography alone.

The difference between 3D mammography and conventional mammography is that an x-ray arm sweeps in a slight arc over the breast, taking multiple breast images in just seconds using a very low dose of radiation that is comparable to a 2D mammogram and well within the FDA guidelines.  Unlike the single flat image of conventional mammography, 3D images can be viewed in one millimeter layers where fine details are more visible and no longer hidden by surrounding tissues.

Salem Radiology delayed implementation of 3D mammography until the extensive research published by imaging researchers established 3D as superior to current imaging techniques.  This has been confirmed in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) which clinically supports the transition to 3D technology.

If you would like your next mammogram to be a 3D mammogram, we are now scheduling for the latter part of January, 2017.  Salem Radiology accepts women who are not experiencing any unusual breast symptoms  to self refer for an annual screening mammogram.

ACR Accreditation –Why it Matters

Salem Radiology Consultants is accredited in CT, MRI, Breast MRI, and Mammography by the American College of Radiology (ACR). The ACR is comprised of 36,000 radiologists and allied health professionals whose goal is to promote safe, effective imaging and to improve the quality of patient care. To that end, the ACR conducts rigorous peer-review evaluations of imaging facilities, assessing qualifications of staff, adequacy of equipment, quality control procedures, safety policies and image quality. Having services performed at an ACR-accredited facility allows patients and providers to be assured they are receiving the highest in medical imaging quality.

ACR accreditation is a voluntary process that demonstrates Salem Radiology’s commitment to excellence in patient care and safety. Our patients and referring physicians can have confidence knowing we meet and exceed ACR’s benchmarks for excellence. Furthermore, many prominent health insurers recognize the value of accreditation and require it for paying claims related to diagnostic radiology services.

ACR Accreditation = the highest quality of patient care.

Salem Radiology Consultants is accredited in CT, MRI, Breast MRI, and Mammography by the American College of Radiology (ACR).

SRC’s High Definition 3T MRI Is the Preferred Choice for Patients and Providers

The MRI machine at SRC has received considerable attention within the medical community and has become the scanner of choice for many patients and physicians in the Salem area. 3T MRI is a sophisticated technology that, before coming to SRC, was previously only available at larger academic medical centers and research facilities, such as OHSU.

Tesla (T) is the unit of measurement quantifying the strength of a magnetic field. With greater magnetic strength comes the ability to detect and visualize smaller structures within the body. Greater magnetic strength also allows scan sequences to be completed in less time.

The 3T MRI at SRC has a magnetic field strength that is twice the strength of any other local MRI scanner. The new scanner also features an open design that is 17% larger than any other local scanner for greater patient comfort and accommodation of patients weighing up to 500 pounds.

Patients entering the 3T scanning suite will find the experience to be very different. The skylight scanning suite has been specifically designed to maximize patient comfort. Patients are also encouraged to bring to their appointment their iPod or MP3 player, so they can relax and enjoy their personal playlist.

Now Scheduling Paracentesis Procedures at SRC

Responding to a shortage of capacity within the local healthcare system, Salem Radiology Consultants has recently expanded its ability to offer paracentesis and other related procedures at our office. SRC has been performing these procedures for several years, but we have now increased capacity in our office because of a need in the community. Our outpatient center can now perform an additional eight paracentesis procedures per day, with the ability to expand further if and when needed.

Paracentesis is a procedure to take out fluid that has collected in the abdomen due to infection, inflammation, an injury, or other conditions, such as cirrhosis or cancer. The fluid is taken out using a long, thin needle inserted through the abdomen. There are two reasons to remove the fluid: to analyze it and find the cause of the fluid buildup, or to relieve pressure or pain in people with cancer or cirrhosis. The procedure takes from one to two and a half hours, depending on the amount of fluid to drain.

SRC is pleased to respond to the shortage of facilities providing this service. Please call 503-399-1262 to schedule an appointment.

Salem Radiology Consultants Offers the Lowest CT Radiation Dose in the Region

A CT (computed tomography) scan is a non-invasive test that helps doctors diagnose and treat a variety of medical conditions. A CT takes multiple detailed pictures (“slices”) of the inside of the body using a sophisticated x-ray machine and transfers those images to a computer. The computer then arranges the images so they can be viewed from different directions and angles, as well as rotated in a three-dimensional model (3D). To obtain the CT scan, the patient lies down on a table that is programmed to slowly slide through a donut-shaped machine. The procedure is painless, but you will hear clicking and whirring sounds as the machine rotates around you.

In some exams, a dye or contrast material is used because it makes the blood vessels or organs easier to see in the pictures. The dye may be injected or swallowed, depending on the type of scan.

Insist on the Low-Dose Option

There are long-term radiation exposure risks from CT that can be substantially diminished by the low-dose CT technology now available at Salem Radiology Consultants.  SRC’s state-of-the art scanner is the only CT machine in the mid-Willamette Valley using this new and improved technology.

A literal “head to head” comparison study of CT radiation doses among local medical imaging facilities clearly demonstrates SRC has the highest quality and lowest CT radiation in the region.



Salem Radiology is the only facility offering ultra-low dose ASiR technology, which significantly reduces radiation exposure to patients.