Salem Radiology Consultants is accredited in CT, MRI, Breast MRI, and Mammography by the American College of Radiology (ACR). The ACR is comprised of 36,000 radiologists and allied health professionals whose goal is to promote safe, effective imaging and to improve the quality of patient care. To that end, the ACR conducts rigorous peer-review evaluations of imaging facilities, assessing qualifications of staff, adequacy of equipment, quality control procedures, safety policies and image quality. Having services performed at an ACR-accredited facility allows patients and providers to be assured they are receiving the highest in medical imaging quality.
ACR accreditation is a voluntary process that demonstrates Salem Radiology’s commitment to excellence in patient care and safety. Our patients and referring physicians can have confidence knowing we meet and exceed ACR’s benchmarks for excellence. Furthermore, many prominent health insurers recognize the value of accreditation and require it for paying claims related to diagnostic radiology services.
ACR Accreditation = the highest quality of patient care.